Talking Turkey: Ten Myths Conservatives Believe About Progressives

Oh, Lordy. It is that time again. Thursday is Thanksgiving— the official kickoff event of the 2008 holiday season. For a lot of progressives, these festivities also mean that we’re about to spend more quality time with our conservative relatives over the next six weeks than is strictly good for our blood pressure, stress levels, […]

The Progressive Mandate At Work: One Step Closer to Health Care For All

After the Democrats took over Congress in 2007, Senate Finance Committee Chair Max Baucus (D-Mont.) was a bit of a buzzkill, watering down progressive legislation regarding the minimum wage and prescription drug costs. And in the next Congress, as Ezra Klein suggested last week, Baucus could be expected to take a “center-right” approach on health […]

Remembering Studs Terkel

What bitter irony. Studs Terkel, who gave voice to working people throughout his life, passed away yesterday, just days before a potentially historic presidential election. Should Sen. Barack Obama win on Tuesday, his victory would be a sweet vindication for Terkel, whose affinity for America’s workers would be reflected in the policies of an Obama administration. Terkel, 96, […]

A Media ‘Disaster’ Of Games, Gaffes and Gotchas

A new report released this week adds some statistical weight to what dismayed us about the media’s performance during the 2008 primary debates: The media failed to engage the candidates in a meaningful discussion of the issues, but instead largely focused the discourse on the inconsequential. Given that we are now in the midst of […]

The Conservative “Secular Problem” And The Palin Pick

Gov. Sarah Palin appears to have successfully rallied the conservative rank-and-file. And she will probably give a good speech tonight. (Expectations have been set so low it would be hard to come up short.) But the pick itself tells me that after the congressional elections of 2006, the conservative movement has failed to come to […]

After Biden, The Economic Debate Takes Shape

The least wealthy member of the Senate took the stage of the Democratic convention hall Wednesday night to accept the vice-presidential nomination, and sharpened the contrast between the progressive and conservative economic visions. The pressure will now be on Republican Sen. John McCain next week to either defend the conservative vision or acknowledge its failures […]

Chamber of Commerce Staff Gets Drunk, Blames Workers

They may be party animals when chugging $8,204 worth of booze but, after the hangover is over, the staff at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce goes back to being their ugly anti-worker selves. Seems that some 100 or so Chamber of Commerce staff recently ran up an $8,204 tab at The Exchange, a sports bar […]

McCain’s Flea-Market Economy

George W. Bush’s solution to our nation’s economic mess—that his failed policies helped create—is to applaud people who must work three jobs to make ends meet. Sen. John McCain colors his solution to working families’ financial struggles with similar crayons: He encourages us to make a living selling stuff on eBay. As reported on Bloomberg: […]