Wanted Economic Patriots to Save American Dream

AFL-CIO President Richard Trumka yesterday described the upcoming elections this way: This election is about economic patriots, and it’s also about corporate traitors. Economic patriotism resonates among working people and the millions ofAmerica’s jobless workers–and corporate traitors is an all-too apt description of many in Big Business, such as anti-patriotic corporations moving jobs out of […]

NUMMI Closing Highlights Need for U.S. Manufacturing Policy

Closing the New United Motors Manufacturing Inc. automotive plant in California will eliminate 25,000 jobs in the state and cost taxpayers $2.3 billion to replace the jobs lost, according to a March 3 report by University of California professor Harley Shaiken. The Daily Labor Report (subscription required) notes: California and municipalities near the Fremont, Calif., […]

Republicans First Slime, Then Maneuver to Block Labor Board Nominee

Mike Hall on our AFL-CIO Now Blog staff wrote about the latest Republican maneuvering to kill a qualified nominee for the nation’s Labor Board and I want to share it with you. Republican Senate leaders are so frightened that a member of the National Labor Relations Board (NLRB) might actually have an open mind about […]

The Working Class Has Spoken. Will Democrats Listen?

Massachusetts voters sent a strong signal to Washington lawmakers Tuesday that they want results—and aren’t seeing any. Not on health care reform, not on job creation and not on fixing the nation’s economy. Voters also sent another powerful message for Democrats: Ignore the working class at your peril. Some 79 percent of voters polled on […]