Every Friday in our Weekend Watchdog feature, we post suggested questions for scheduled Sunday guests. You can add your own questions in the comment thread. We’ll also include contact information for the shows, so we can let them know what their viewers want asked.
And on Sunday at 4 PM ET, tune in to Air America Radio’s “Seder on Sundays” program, where I’ll offer the Weekend Watchdog Wrap-Up.
For Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Penn. (ABC’s This Week): Unlike Senate conservatives in your party, you have not voted to obstruct key reforms for items such as renewable energy, lower drug prices and easier unionization. Are you concerned that your party’s political fortunes will suffer if your colleagues continue blocking popular legislation?
(UPDATE: Looks like ABC had a schedule change and Specter will not be on. But we can ask a similar question to another This Week guest, Sen. Joe Lieberman, I-Conn.: You campaigned on your ability to “work across partisan lines to get things done.” Yet, the conservative minority has consistently obstructed key reforms for items such as renewable energy, lower drug prices and easier unionization. Are you going to continue to try to accommodate the minority, or will you seek to galvanize the public by forcefully standing up to those who obstruct?)
(Sign our petition calling on Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid to challenge conservative obstruction by “bring[ing] essential reforms to the Senate floor, and KEEP them there until this minority yields, or takes deserved heat for obstructing progress.”)