The latest Census report on poverty in America found the number of Americans without health insurance continues to rise.
A record 47 million uninsured in 2006, including 8.7 million kids. That’s 15.8% of Americans, up from 15.3% in 2005. The increase in uninsured children is more pronounced: 11.7% of kids lack coverage, up from 10.9% the prior year.
Since the passage of the State Children’s Health Insurance Program in 1997 through 2004, the program succeeded in reducing the percentage of uninsured kids, while the percentage of uninsured adults — not served by any new public insurance plan — has gone up.
But in the last two years, we’re seeing more kids go without insurance. Why?
Fewer private-sector employers are providing sufficient coverage. Making the expansion of SCHIP even more critical if we are to keep our kids healthy.