Gore’s 10-Point Plan

David Roberts, over at Gristmill, is liveblogging the Gore hearings, and has a colorful summation of Gore’s 10-point plan to stop global warming.

No. 1: immediate carbon freeze! Then a program of reductions — 90% reductions by 2050! Wow, that’s ballsy.

Second: reduce taxes on employment and production, and make up the difference with pollution taxes, mainly CO2. … It would make us more competitive. Discourage pollution while encouraging work. But carbon pollution is not priced into the marketplace…

Third: a portion of the revenues must be earmarked for low-income people who will have a difficult time making this transition.

Fourth: strong global treaty … We should work toward “de facto compliance with Kyoto.” We ought to move forward the start date of the next treaty, from 2012 to 2010, so the next president can use his or her political good will to act immediately. We have to build more confidence that China and India will join sooner rather than later.

Fifth: a moratorium on construction of any new coal-fired power plant not compatible with carbon capture and sequestration. Wowzer.

Sixth: develop an “electranet” — a smart grid. Just as widely distributed info processing led to a big new surge of productivity … we need a law that allows widely distributed energy generation to be sold into the grid, at a rate determined not by a monopsony, but by regulation. Then, you may never need another central power generation plant. This is where Dave has a wonkgasm.

Seventh: raise CAFE standard [fuel efficiency standards for cars and trucks]. Yes, [auto industry ally Rep. John] Dingell, I heard you, it should be part of a comprehensive package. It’s only a slice of the problem, but it is a big slice. The problem is “cars, coal, and buildings.”

Eighth: set a date for the ban of incandescent light bulbs. Give industry time to prepare, but set a date. They’ll adjust.

Ninth: create Connie Mae, a carbon-neutral mortgage association. All the things we do to cut carbon add to upfront selling price, but don’t pay off for a few years. … Connie Mae will help put those costs aside.

Tenth: [SEC] ought to require disclosure of carbon emissions in corporate reporting.


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