Don’t Tax Benefits

Americans are demanding health care reform that guarantees them quality, affordable insurance, reduces the burden of health costs on employers and individuals and provides backup coverage through a public health insurance option.

But the suggestion that we pay for these needed reforms by taxing the health benefits that millions of us get through our employers is very unpopular — Americans fear that it could undo the one part of our health care system that now works (sort of). And we worry about new tax burdens on people who have worked hard to get and keep decent health coverage. If Democrats want to avoid a serious reaction against their important reform efforts, they should heed these concerns.

America’s health insurance system has evolved over the decades since World War II, when companies began offering health insurance — untaxed as income by government policy. Today, around 160 million of us get our health insurance from employers. And in these difficult times, millions of workers have repeatedly given up wage increases in order to keep their health benefits.

John McCain, when he was running for president last year, proposed taxing all employer-provided health benefits. Were we to do that, some 20 million Americans would lose employment-based health insurance, according to some estimates. And many employers would stop contributing to group health insurance — forcing their workers into the more expensive individual insurance market.

While many health experts acknowledge that taxing all benefits would cause chaos, some share the conservative view that a lot of people are getting “too much” insurance coverage from their employers and are pushing to get new revenues by taxing plans that are more expensive than average. But several recent studies find that it is almost impossible to design a tax that doesn’t overburden workers in firms with older or low-income employees or companies in regions with higher-than-average insurance premiums.

The Communications Workers of America looked at one proposal (to tax all employer-paid health benefits worth over $13,000 for a family) and found a typical member of its union in Pennsylvania with a working spouse and one child would pay $3,165 more in taxes in the first year, and $27,949 more over eight years. The issue is heating up. The Senate majority leader, Harry Reid, has told colleagues that they should not tax health benefits. But the debate continues.

It is dangerous for politicians to focus the government’s taxing power on the hard-won benefits of middle-class families. Fair and progressive income and wealth taxes are a better way to pay for health reform — and keep workers feeling as though they have a positive stake in achieving good health care for all.

This commentary originally appeared in the The New York Times.


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