Tell the President Stand Up to the Hostage-Takers Defend Social Security and Medicare

Republican hostage-takers got President Obama to go along with their tax cuts for the wealthy by threatening to raise taxes on the middle class and blocking even modest stimulus funds for our struggling economy. Now the Republicans have identified their next hostage: They’re going to threaten to destroy the international financial stability of the United […]

Even Your Cranky Uncle Can Be Thankful for Social Security

Picture everyone sitting around the table this Thanksgiving and the cranky old uncle lobs a political hot potato at you designed to push the conversation to a shouting match. He may be an inflammatory liberal or a conservative grouch, he may even try to have a Tea Party on top of your apple pie. The […]

Deficit Commission If You Won’t Fire Simpson Keep Your Hands Off Social Security

Hundreds of thousands of Americans have now called for Senator Alan Simpson, co-chair of the White House deficit commission, to step down – after he insulted the head of the Older Women’s League, Ashley Carson, by implying that her dedication to protecting retirees was not “honest work” – and then he revealed what he thinks […]

Grow The Economy, Reduce The Deficit, Invest In The Future

I support smart economic policies to reduce the structural deficit over time. However, I want to share three major concerns. 1. We are in danger of killing or weakening needed growth in the name of reducing deficits. My organization is a member of the Jobs for America Now coalition, and we want to warn you […]

In Deficit “Town Meetings,” People Reject America Speaks Stacked Deck

On Saturday, the group known as America Speaks (funded by Wall Street mogul Peter G. Peterson and two other foundations) brought together several thousand people in meetings in 60 cities. They gave participants misleading background information about the Federal deficit and economic options to achieve fiscal “balance” and future prosperity. But Peterson cannot be pleased […]

Third Way ConservaDems Get it Wrong: Progressives Are The Champions Of Growth and Wealth

Anne Kim and Jonathan Cowan of Third Way took to the Politico Arena op ed page (and url) on Thursday with the hoary slander that progressives care only about “expanding the entitlement state” and have no interest in economic growth or expanding wealth. Apparently blind to the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, they […]

This Week: Obama’s Deficit Commission – or Pete Peterson’s?

On Wednesday Wall Street multibillionaire Peter G. Peterson, who has pledged to spend a billion dollars to panic Americans about deficits in order to get them to slash Social Security and Medicare, is conducting a “Fiscal Summit” in Washington featuring many of the very people who created the deficits Peterson decries. This summit is designed […]

URGENT: Stop CNN From Airing Deficit Propaganda

This weekend, CNN is giving four hours of free airtime to the leading propagandist fanning the flames of deficit hysteria, Pete Peterson, along with his lackeys.  Bloggers and online activists are joining today to promote this action: Click here to demand CNN stop giving free airtime to deficit crazies this weekend – And if they […]

The House Makes History: A Strong First Step Toward Health Care for All

The vote Sunday in the House represents an historic accomplishment! The first House vote passes the Senate health care bill. Now, they will quickly pass the reconciliation fix — Sunday night — and get the Senate to vote for the House’s improvements. Congratulations to all our allies joined together as Health Care for America Now […]

Now Obama Owns a Deficit Commission – and Senator Simpson

This morning President Obama signed an executive order creating a National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform. This commission is based on an idea promoted by two Senators, Kent Conrad (D-N.D.) and Judd Gregg (R-N.H.). Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus warned that the Conrad-Gregg legislative version of the deficit commission would have “painted a […]