Oregon Democrats: Taking on Lobbyists?
Oregon Democratic legislators seem to be spaking the corporate lobbyists that opposed the successful initiatives that produced vital revenue by raising corporate and top end taxes. The business lobby thinks so – and isn’t that a good thing? Could someone call this to
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid’s attention.
Oregon’s Capitol faces the fallout after a bitter election
By Michelle Cole, The Oregonian, Portland, Ore.
McClatchy-Tribune Regional News
1084 words
15 February 2010
The Oregonian (MCT)
Distributed by McClatchy – Tribune Information Services.
Feb. 15–SALEM — Whiners. Sore losers. Ungracious winners.
That’s the talk at the state Capitol in Salem, where House Democrats and some businesses are in bitter disagreement.
The conflict, which follows last month’s bruising tax election, has already been a factor in the Legislature’s decision to back away from kicker tax reform. Some say it has determined which bills are being considered during this month’s special session. And it is likely to influence this year’s primary and general elections.
Prominent lobbyists accuse House Democratic leaders and their union allies of using their power to try to get them fired. Not only that, they say, Democrats have introduced bills seeking revenge from businesses and industries that tried to persuade voters to reject more than $700 million in tax increases approved by the Legislature last year.
House Speaker Dave Hunt and Majority Leader Mary Nolan dismiss such claims. Lawmakers remain focused on helping struggling families, they said.
At the same time, Hunt doesn’t seem interested in smoothing ruffled feathers. For instance, he’s not sorry he characterized business lobbyists’ complaints as “whining.”
“I haven’t found a better or more descriptive word,” Hunt said. “I have a 10-year-old and a 14-year-old, so I know what whining is.”
People who have spent years around the Legislature acknowledge there are always bad feelings following a hard-fought election. It was unfortunate, everyone agrees, that the February session convened less than a week after the Jan. 26 election, when voters approved tax increases for businesses and high-income earners.
But Capitol veterans also say they’ve never seen anything quite like the current animosity, which mostly centers on the House and not the Senate.
“It’s ugly,” said Rep. Vicki Berger, R-Salem, who was elected to the House in 2002.
“Some of us want to get beyond it,” Berger said, “while it appears to others that power is being used in inappropriate ways.”
Last week, the Alliance of Oregon’s Business Associations circulated a list of bills it claims are aimed directly at those who opposed Measures 66 and 67.
The list includes House Bill 3700, which would allow public entities to invest more than they currently can in credit unions.
Hunt, D-Gladstone, says he’s been working on this issue since 2003. The bill is needed now, he says, because big national banks are hesitant to lend and local businesses need the capital.
But it took bankers by surprise.
Last week Raymond Davis, president and CEO of Umpqua Bank, testified for the first time before a legislative committee. The measure would deal a “damaging blow” to community banks that lend locally, he said. “Some people here in Salem have stated this bill is being quickly brought to a vote in retribution for Oregon banks’ opposition to Measures 66 and 67.”
That brought a quick response from Nolan: “Mr. Davis, you seem to repeat anonymous gossip.”
Nolan, a Portland Democrat, later said she felt the bank president “was trying to put innuendo on the record. And if you’re building a record, I want it based on demonstrable assertions.”
Davis said he wasn’t bothered by Nolan’s challenge from the dais. But he remains suspicious about the timing.
“Let’s assume that it has nothing to do with retribution,” he said. “Then why bring it up now? Why hurt a sector of our business community when we need them so desperately? And that’s a question nobody will answer.”
Nolan also plays a role in another Capitol mini-drama involving Jon Chandler, a homebuilders lobbyist who was a spokesman for the campaign opposed to the tax measures.
Last summer, Nolan left a voice mail message on Chandler’s cell phone implying that his clout inside the Capitol could be affected by his role in the anti-tax campaign. “When did you decide you were going to drop out of the lobby business?” she asked. “Let me know if there’s going to be a farewell party.”
Nolan says she was only trying to be funny with a guy known for his sense of humor.
Chandler says Nolan may have been joking. But it seemed less funny when he learned that letters and calls were going out about others also playing an active role in the anti-tax campaign.
Last month, the presidents of two large teachers’ unions co-signed a letter to the Oregon Educators Benefits Board questioning whether certain lobbying firms, insurance companies and health care providers should be doing business with the board while at the same time trying to cut off tax dollars educators depend upon.
The letter wasn’t meant as a threat of any kind, said BethAnne Darby, of the Oregon Education Association.
“These different groups profit off of the taxes they — at the same time — were trying to defeat,” she said. “It was simply to bring that to the attention of the board and to suggest, perhaps they should inquire about it.”
Prominent lobbyist Mark Nelson, who played a key role in the anti-tax campaign, says some of his clients who receive state general fund support have been told by House Democratic leaders that they should “seek other representation.”
Hunt denies initiating contacts with Nelson’s clients. But Hunt’s spokesman, Geoff Sugerman, says the speaker does tell people who ask that he believes “it’s a conflict of interest to be advocating for funds and at the same time working to cut them.”
It’s unclear whether any of the bills that business has on its “retribution list” will make it through both chambers.
After that, the rift could take on a different form in the spring and fall elections. Some have mentioned that the best way to get incumbents’ attention is to target some of their seats.
“Absolutely, business will play a much stronger role,” Nelson said.
Over the long-term, however, both sides say they’re hoping tempers will cool.
“I don’t think this is beyond repair,” said John Ledger, vice president of Associated Oregon Industries. “The best thing would be for everybody to have some time away. Maybe we should all go on a cruise — separately, of course.”
— Michelle Cole