To Lift The Economy Lift Wages

To lift the economy, we have to lift wages. Increased wages will restore demand. The changes that will increase wages will help restore democracy. The social contract used to be that citizens in our democracy share the benefits of our economy through increased wages that come from increases in productivity. This broke down and working […]

Winning The Race To The Bottom

Conservative policies have propelled us into a global race to the bottom. Conservatives can take pride: we’re winning! “Free trade” — moving factories across borders to evade the protections of democracy that generations of Americans fought for — pits exploited workers with few rights and no means of improving their condition against Americans who once […]

Tomorrows One Nation March In DC And Around The Country

Does the corporate-sponsored Tea Party speak for you? Or are we One Nation, Working Together? One Nation Working Together For Jobs, Justice and Education for All. How can you not agree with that? How can you not demand that Washington hear this, and get going on delivering the change that we voted for? There is […]

Labor Day Labor Got It Right — Who Could Have Known

“Who could have known?” That’s the cry from the big-corporate and DC elite as the economy and the environment and so many imporant things crash around us. (Around us, not them, they’re doing just fine and taking good care of each other.) Who could have known that 25%-per-year house price increases was a bubble? Who […]