Every Friday in our Weekend Watchdog feature, we post suggested questions for scheduled Sunday guests. You can add your own questions in the comment thread. We’ll also include contact information for the shows, so we can let them know what their viewers want asked.
Then on Monday, we’ll circle back and see if our questions were asked and answered. Let’s take back our media!
For former White House press secretary Scott McClellan (NBC’s Meet The Press, ABC’s This Week): You participated in the White House Iraq Group, which in your words, was “the marketing arm for selling the war to the public.” What propaganda tactics were used by the White House to market the war, and how can citizens recognize such tactics in the future?
For New York Times columnist David Brooks (ABC’s This Week): You recently wrote that a President Obama “will find himself surrounded by highly partisan Democratic politicians, committee chairmen and interest groups [who] just want to take the money and patronage that has been going to Republican special interests and give it to Democratic special interests.”
Can you actually identify these “interest groups” and what ideas they are offering that would amount to “patronage?”
For any Clinton or Obama surrogate (see list below): Will your candidate be supporting the Lieberman-Warner global warming bill this week, or trying to strengthen it to match the plans proposed by Sens. Clinton and Obama, which require companies to fully pay for polluting public sky, generating revenue for clean energy and lower energy prices?
Full list of scheduled Sunday show guests, courtesy of Fishbowl DC
Meet the Press: Scott McClellan
Face the Nation: Sen. Claire McCaskill and Pennsylvania Gov. Ed Rendell.
This Week: McClellan and Clinton chair Terry McAuliffe, and a roundtable with Democratic strategist Donna Brazile, New York Times’ David Brooks, Vanity Fair’s Todd Purdum and George Will.
Fox News Sunday: Howard Wolfson, Communication Director for the Clinton Campaign, David Bonior, Obama surrogate and former Michigan Congressman. Power Player of the Week is Brendan Sullivan, executive director of Headfirst and a panel with Bill Kristol, Weekly Standard & Fox News, Nina Easton, Fortune Magazine & Fox News, Byron York, National Review & Fox News and Juan Williams, National Public Radio & Fox News
Contact info for the Sunday shows
Contact ABC’s This Week by clicking here
Email CBS’ Face The Nation at ftn@cbsnews.com
Email Fox News Sunday at FNS@foxnews.com
Contact NBC’s Meet The Press by clicking here
Remember: always be brief, polite and respectful when contacting the media, so our voices will be taken seriously.