Individualistic “netroots” bloggers are at the forefront of new media technology, and are looking for ways to improve coordination and broad the reach of their ideas. Labor unions have been organizing and coordinating for decades, and are looking for ways to maximize the potential of new media technology.
They came together this morning at Netroots Nation Labor Caucus. Afterwards, I talked to some of the people at the nexus of the netroots and labor movements.
First, I spoke with Jason Lefkowitz, online organizer for the Change To Win labor coalition, who discussed how both bloggers and union members share a goal and desire for “collective action” that should help with future coordination.
Then, I interviewed Elana Levin of UNITE HERE and Stephanie Taylor of SEIU.
Taylor sees coordination between progressive bloggers and labor unions as a “natural alliance” that is critical to building a lasting “progressive majority,” and secure passage of strong legislation for workers such as the Employee Free Choice Act. Levin talked about the importance of women and youth in the modern labor movement and the intense interest in challenging concentrated corporate power.