President Obama: Make Sure Families Can Afford the Insurance They Are Forced to Buy

When President Obama speaks before the Congress on Wednesday night, he will tell the nation in more specific detail what he wants to do to make the health care system work for everyone.  He’d had better pledge to make sure good health insurance is affordable for all Americans – because he’s already made a deal […]

Let’s Pass Ted Kennedy’s Health Plan

Let’s get a few things straight:    Until last year, Senator Edward M. Kennedy’s health care bill (co-authored with with Rep. John Dingell) was a bill known as Medicare for All.   Not expensive private insurance for some, but Medicare [a public insurance plan] for All. Senator Kennedy encouraged candidate and then President Obama to make health […]

Don’t Tax Benefits

Americans are demanding health care reform that guarantees them quality, affordable insurance, reduces the burden of health costs on employers and individuals and provides backup coverage through a public health insurance option. But the suggestion that we pay for these needed reforms by taxing the health benefits that millions of us get through our employers […]

An Election, a Budget, and Two Summits = A Bold Obama Strategy for Health Care Change.

Like most participants in President Obama’s Health Care Summit last Thursday, I was thrilled to be invited to the White House for the big public meeting on health care. At the Summit, the President did what the leaders and activists of the 800 organizations in our Health Care for America Now coalition have been urging: […]

Sound The Alarm! Peterson Foundation Assault On “Entitlements”

At a press conference today by Wall Street mogul Peter Peterson, he and his invited speakers informed Americans who are losing their jobs and homes in record numbers that our nation’s biggest problem is the national deficit—and that the solution is to cut Social Security and Medicare. We don’t need this campaign. What the nation […]