Fiscal Times Scandal: 21 Experts Seek Meeting with WaPost Chair Don Graham

Today (Jan. 4) 21 policy experts sent a letter (below) to Washington Post Board Chairman Donald Graham, requesting a meeting. Why? Because we’ve gotten no response to our protest letter to The Washington Post’s ombudsman. In that earlier letter we demanded an explanation for publication by the Post of an article about the U.S. federal […]

The Washington Post Lets Pete Peterson Write The News On The Deficit

On the last day of 2009, The Washington Post published an article, presented as a news story, which could be a signal of the death of the Post as an independent and objective news source. The piece, entitled "Support grows for tackling nation’s debt," appeared to be one of those background news pieces common in […]

Experts, Advocates Protest Washington Post “Content” Deal With Pete Peterson

On Thursday, December 31, The Washington Post published an article, presented as a news story, which could be a signal of the death of the Post as an independent and objective news source. The piece, entitled “Support grows for tackling nation’s debt,” appeared to be one of those background news pieces common in newspapers like […]

Don’t Kill the Health Reform Bill. Improve It.

The blogosphere is aflame with debate over the Senate health care bill. I’ve just been sent 10 reasons (in one blog post) why progressives should kill the bill and start over in the battle to really reform health care. Administration spokespeople add fuel to the flames when they lecture critics on the left about how […]

Pass the Best Health Reform Bill – And Keep Fighting for More Reform.

Here’s my position. In these final days of the health care fight, progressives should work hard to improve the health reform bill in the Senate and in the conference with the (better) House bill. But we should support the passage of the best bill we can get – and then keep fighting for more and […]

Peterson, Conrad Weaken Democracy, Social Security, Medicare, & Recovery

On Monday morning, wealthy hedge fund mogul Peter Peterson and his Commission on Budget Reform will hold a press conference to issue a “Call to Action to Stem the Mounting Federal Debt.” Their scary promotional material declares, “The ever-growing federal debt is spiraling out of control. If not addressed . . . Americans could be […]

A Momentous Step

The following statement was released by Roger Hickey and Diane Archer The Campaign for America’s Future declares our strong public support for the “Affordable Health Care for America Act of 2009” (H.R. 3962). While we would’ve preferred stronger provisions in some key areas, this legislation constitutes a momentous step toward making a guarantee of quality […]

The House Will Make Sure the Senate Includes a Robust Public Option

This is the moment when Senate Finance Committee Chairman Max Baucus and Majority Leader Harry Reid (and President Obama) should make history by producing a Senate health reform bill that makes health insurance truly affordable for all Americans, creates a strong public option to give private insurers real competition, and doesn’t destroy Democratic re-election hopes […]