The Bank Crisis: Where are the Prosecutions?

Where are the prosecutions of bank officers for defrauding investors or the government? This isn’t an academic question or an eruption of pitchfork populism. Personal accountability is vital in board rooms. We know regulation doesn’t work very well. Regulators get captured. Bank lobbyists dominate the backroom games. Government agencies have too few investigators to police […]

Kick the Old and the Disabled to Show We’re Serious About Deficits?

In the deficit hysteria now sweeping Washington, Social Security has emerged in the bull’s-eye as a target for cuts. Perpetually tanned Republican House Minority leader John Boehner, called for hiking the retirement age to 70. The  Democratic House Majority Leader,  wrong-way Steny Hoyer, argued for hiking it to 69. Various proposals float to change the […]

Stop Coddling The McCarthyite Smear Machine

The right-wing smear machine that cost an exemplary Agriculture Department official her job should be denounced for what it is: a high-tech, low-rent McCarthyism that launches search-and-destroy missions with no purpose but poisonous partisanship. That the Obama administration keeps retreating whenever this hit squad starts strafing someone — firing Van Jones; disassociating itself from ACORN […]

We Need Leaders, Not Accountants

The following was originally published by Politico With more than 20 million people unemployed or underemployed, deflation looming, trade deficits rising and the economy staggering, American elites are hyperventilating about balancing the books. While most economists talk about the need for short-term stimulus, this looks increasingly difficult. Republicans filibuster unemployment insurance, demanding spending cuts to […]

Why Democrats Can’t Govern II

They forget to dance with those that brung them Consider the current tempest about the “poisonous relations” between Obama and business. Former Clintonista Roger Altman, a Democratic investment banker, offers advice on how to mend the fences to both sides of the simmering divide. Altman sensibly suggests that Obama has been more business champion than […]

Why Democrats Can’t Govern I

They’d rather switch than fight. Consider. Elizabeth Warren, brilliant Harvard Law Professor, stalwart defender of America’s beleagued middle class, championed the Consumer Financial Protection Agency as essential to protecting consumers from financial fraud and abuse. Against the odds, she managed to get the White House to make the reform a signature of its financial reform […]

Why Corporate Tax Cuts Won’t Put People to Work

Conservatives have reverted back to calling for corporate tax cuts to stimulate the economy and put people to work. Consider this mindless reflex rather than policy. Corporations are sitting on $1.7 trillion in cash, yet not hiring people. A furious argument is waged about why they don’t hire. The Chamber of Commerce, reduced under head […]