The Myth of the Spurned Centre

Clive Crook, columnist for the Financial Times, urges President Obama to “betray” his base, and lead from the “centre.” Brits offering political strategy for American presidents are a bit like Americans telling Italians how to improve their pasta. And Crook’s analysis is as divorced from U.S. realities as his spelling. But it represents what will […]

Uncommon Common Sense About The Economy

Over 300 economists and policy analysts just released a statement warning the Congress and the Administration that bold action is needed to put people to work and get the economy going. The statement—Don’t Kill Jobs and Growth in the Name of Deficit Reduction—was released by the Institute for America’s Future (which I co-direct) and is […]

The Chamber of Commerce Without Shame or Sense

The Chamber of Commerce is rolling out its “jobs and economy” political initiative today. As Politico reports, the blitz is “designed to drive voters toward ‘5 Questions to Ask Your Candidates,’ to be distributed by mail and online to millions of voters.” Here are the five, accompanied by five alternatives tied to reality rather than […]

The Obama Speech in Cleveland

President Obama traveled to Cleveland to deliver an address on the economy designed to highlight the “differences in governing philosophy” between his view and that of the Republican opposition. (A copy of the text is found here: ) This was a powerful presentation, one that we wish the President had done repeatedly from his […]

The Real Bait and Switch on Social Security

The Wall Street Journal assails President Obama for “bait and switch on Social Security,” because he’s criticizing Republican plans to privatize Social Security, which the Journal says don’t exist. The editorial then goes on to call for cutting benefits to “strengthen Social Security,” and admits that privatization is part of the Rep. Paul Ryan’s roadmap, […]

One Reason Top End Taxes Must Be Raised

Billionaire Steve Schwarzman compares Obama’s call for taxing private equity income as income, just like everyone else, a “war, like when Hitler invaded Poland in 1939.” Currently Schwarzman undoubtedly pays taxes at a lower rate than his secretary or his chauffer. Treat his income like that of everyone else? Hitler sacking Poland. This is […]

Save American Manufacturing

The following was originally published by Politico. These days, Republicans can’t suppress the gloat. The “Party of No,” leading in most polls, is said to be on the verge of taking the House and possibly the Senate in November. The irrepressible Rep. Paul Ryan (R-Wis.) calls the midterms a “dress rehearsal” for 2012, posing a […]