This is one of those things you just have to see to believe. Chances are you’ve seen it posted elsewhere, but it bears replaying over and over and over again. Here’s the face of conservatism today, for ya — mocking and screaming at a man with Parkinson’s disease.
At an anti health reform rally in Columbus yesterday, Tea Partiers demonstrated why they should be taken seriously as a populist movement by heckling a man who carried a sign claiming he suffers from Parkinson’s.
A video shows the man sitting down in front of a group of protesters. "If you’re looking for a handout, you’re in the wrong part of town! Nothing for free here, you have to work for everything you get!" says one guy. Then, some khaki-clad dick saunters over, flings some money at the protester and smarmily says "I’ll pay for this guy. Here you go. Start a pot." He circles back around to scream, "I’ll decide when to give you money!" Someone yells something about communism. Someone else screams, "No more handouts!!!"
If only the health bill created some sort of panels where experts could decide if diseased commie scum like this guy are deserving of care …
If you can stomach it, the video clip is after the jump.