Conservatives’ Race to Oblivion, Pt. 1

I’ve used this quote (attributed to Maya Angelou) before: “When people show you who they really are, believe them.” I guess in periods of tremendous change people really reveal who they really are. I’ll return to this in more detail post, but the news and debate leading up to and following the passage of health care reform in the House is at least worth a quick roundup, if only because it all comes together in a clear context.

First, let me reiterate that I’ll be the first to say that the anger directed at the president, Congress, and the policy changes they’re trying to make are not entirely rooted in racism, but have deep roots in the economic consequences of the last few decades for the people in some of the reddest states. That said, it’s becoming impossible to ignore that a significant amount is also rooted in the racism and ethnocentrism conservatives have used to divert their constituents’ attention — and rage — towards more convevient targets.


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