It’s 2010. Polls Show the Excise Tax is Still Unpopular.

A Washington Post poll taken in mid-October showed that 61% of people surveyed opposed the excise tax, with only 35% supporting it. A USA Today/Gallup poll taken at the same time showed essentially identical results, with 61% against the tax and 34% in favor. An Associated Press poll (pdf) taken a couple of weeks later showed 56% of respondents opposed to the tax and 26% in favor. (The less decisive responses to the AP poll may be due to the way they phrased the question.)

Now Rasmussen’s tracking poll on health reform has found that the excise tax remains as unpopular as ever. Rasmussen shows 59% of registered voters opposing the excise tax and only 32% supporting it. Advocates have failed to make their case to the public, and voter disapproval remains strikingly high. The tax is getting no traction at all.


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