Dear Dylan Ratigan: Let’s Rage Against the Machine … but Tactically

I’m a big Dylan Ratigan fan, and I’m glad we have his voice on the airwaves. That’s why it was unexpected to find myself presented as the voice of accommodation in contrast to his angrier tone, when The Huffington Post placed his post on the financial reform bill back to back with mine on Friday. My piece was called The Road Behind, The Way Forward, and his was entitled Politicians Lie, Media Applauds, America Suffers.

We agreed on the essentials: Although it does some good things, the bill doesn’t fix our systemic problems and the Wall Street casino’s still open for business. Our difference was one of emphasis, and can be seen from our first-paragraph framings of the situation. I said “(F)And for those of us who care about this country, it means that we still have work to do. We must be the voices of reason, the ones who praise what’s been accomplished but call for even deeper reforms going forward.” Dylan said:

The same Washington spinsters who have driven our country into the ground seem to be out in full force this morning, claiming that their latest policy “victory” is the most “sweeping change” of our financial regulatory since the Great Depression.


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