At Last! Simple New Test Shows If Your Politician’s Telling the Truth About “Too Big to Fail”

We thought we’d write a little radio ad for the SAFE Banking proposal being put forward in the House and Senate. But this ad’s not just promoting a policy – it’s selling a litmus test. This amendment finally gives us a chance to find out whether those politicians who are giving great speeches about “too big to fail” and “no more bailouts” mean what they say or not. So imagine you’re listening to the radio and you hear this …

Financial reform: It’s so confusing! CDO, MBS, CDS … it’s like alphabet soup out there! Sure, we hear politicians in the House and Senate say they want to stop “too big to fail.” They say they don’t want to bail out rich, greedy bankers again just so they can give themselves more fat bonuses. They all say that. Then they fight each other tooth and nail! How’s a poor voter to know who’s telling the truth?


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