AFL-CIO Sends Letter Promoting Anti-Tax Campaign

The AFL-CIO has sent out an email blast in support of the campaign to overturn the excise tax on health benefits. The letter is addressed to constituents of Rep. Jerrold Nadler, praising him for his work in opposition to the tax and suggesting they encourage him to “stay strong” on the issue.

The letter reads in part:

“Can you believe the Senate is considering taxing our benefits to pay for health care reform?

We need health care reform desperately, but taxing workers’ health benefits is wrong. Fortunately, 185 members of the House are opposed to taxing worker benefits, including your representative, Rep. Jerrold Nadler.

We need to make sure Rep. Nadler stays strong and continues to side with working families.”

The email includes links that enable readers to “thank (their) representative” for his stance on this issue.

I suspect there will be more such campaign efforts in the near future, as labor (and perhaps other constituencies affected by this tax) mobilize to build resistance to it.


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