Shhh Hear That Steve Stivers Silent on Aid to Seniors

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In Ohio’s 15th Congressional District, Republican Lobbyist Steve Stivers is in a tough spot. He’s already said he favors extending the costly Bush tax cuts for the top 2% of income earners. Now he’s sitting quietly, trying to avoid questions about where he stands on an emergency $250 cost-of-living adjustment for over 50 million Social Security recipients. These seniors and disabled Americans are at risk of a second straight year with no increase in benefits. The situation is nearing a crisis.

Republicans, like Stivers, argue that we should focus our efforts on renewing the expiring Bush tax cuts, which will be debated soon in Congress. They fail to mention that these cuts, for America’s wealthiest, will add $700 billion a year to the National Debt. Meanwhile, a significantly smaller, but far more important $13 billion boost of emergency relief will not only help aid the bottom lines of older families across America, but give an additional jolt to the economy as seniors are more likely to spend the increased benefit on things they need right now – clothing, rent, food, etc.

Still… Lobbyist Steve Stivers sits quietly.

The emergency cost-of-living adjustment would also inject over $530 million into Ohio and help the local economies in Columbus, Upper Arlington, Grove City, Grandview Heights and more. The need is so significant that congressional Democrats are rushing to bring this to the floor shortly after the elections. But Republicans are idle. They’re trying to distract voters with nasty, negative ads while avoiding this issue. They know this issue could jeopardize jamming through a huge tax break for their biggest donors.

Voters are looking for answers. They ask, “Where do you stand on helping seniors before the snow begins to fly and we face a second year without a cost-of-living adjustment? We need to know!”

Still… Lobbyist Steve Stivers sits quietly.

It’s time for Stivers to speak. Our seniors need to know what to expect. Should they only take half their meds, eat one meal a day, or turn the heat down to 60 degrees in their homes? Or, will Stivers stand with them and support this modest cost-of-living adjustment.

Steve? Are you even listening?

Cross-posted at OhioDaily


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