The Korea Trade Deal And The Conservative Closeout Sale Of America

The Washington Post criticizes President Obama because he is holding out for a better Korean Free Trade Agreement deal for American workers and businesses. They call that a “setback.” But a setback for who, exactly?

In a Thursday editorial, Mr. Obama’s Korea trade deal setback, the Post’s editors write,

FOR THOSE WHO believe, as we do, that free trade can help fight global recession and prepare the U.S. economy for a new, more competitive future, President Obama’s trip to Asia was a disappointment.

A disappointment to just who? The Korea FTA was negotiated by the Bush administration, under the same closeout-sale terms with which they had approached trade since taking office: “We’ll GIVE you our industries, we’ll GIVE you our jobs, we’ll GIVE you our ability to make a living in the future. If you take advantage of this one-time offer, and just put a few dollars into Wall Street’s pockets, you can have it ALL!!!!”

The Post’s editors write:

However, congressional Democrats blocked it, arguing it would cost American jobs, and as a candidate for president in 2008, Mr. Obama rejected the deal as “badly flawed.” In office, he dithered for months before finally declaring himself in favor of moving forward with a revised treaty.

Jobs? Who cares about JOBS? Only those pesky, fringe liberals care about jobs. We want free trade!


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