Pushing Back Against Austerity: Hickey and Eskow on Pivot Point with Maya Rockeymoore

OurFuture.org’s Roger Hickey and Richard Eskow explain during their appearance Sunday on “Pivot Point with Maya Rockeymoore” what it will take for progressives to win the fight against conservative austerity economic policies that are holding down the economy and preventing the job growth that we need. “The great thing is that the idea of austerity […]

House GOP: 37 Obamacare Repeal Votes, Not One Budget Conference Vote

On Thursday, House Republicans have scheduled a vote on a bill to repeal the Affordable Care Act. Haven’t they already done that, you ask? Yes, they have, in one form or another, 36 times since it has been enacted. This week’s vote would make 37. It’s gotten to the point that today the director of […]

The Bite of Apple: Firm Dodges Enough Taxes To Cover Much of Sequester

The scheme that Apple cooked up this week to finance a $55 billion stock buyback for its shareholders was orchestrated to avoid paying $9.2 billion in taxes, Bloomberg reported Friday. That $9.2 billion tax bill that Apple dodged would have been enough to make unnecessary all of the major budget cuts we’ve been writing about […]

Enough Is Enough: Take Action Today To Fix A Broken Senate

Today, the Campaign for America’s Future is joining 100 other organizations in delivering a message to Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid and his Republican counterpart, Mitch McConnell: Enough is enough. End the obstruction. Stop the constant abuse of the filibuster. The group Fix the Senate Now is collecting signatures on a petition that it plans […]

Pivot Point’s Maya Rockeymoore On Whether Obama’s Policies Are Failing Us

A critique of the impact on African Americans of using the chained CPI to limit the cost-of-living adjustment on Social Security benefits and my criticism of President Obama’s jobs proposals were among the highlights of a one-hour discussion Sunday led by Maya Rockeymoore, the host of We Act Radio’s “Pivot Point” and a leading progressive […]

Class War: Politico Acknowledges Key To Democratic Party Success

In our post-mortem of the 2012 elections, the Campaign for America’s Future was one of the few organizations willing to say that “class war” was not only the common theme of many of the Democratic Party’s electoral successes but it is a strategy that the party should proudly embrace as it moves toward the 2014 […]

Sorry, Tyler Cowen, We’re Not Taking Any More Lumps

I have a message for Tyler Cowen, the occasional New York Times columnist and George Mason University professor who was quoted this morning in a Times story on the effects of the upcoming federal spending sequester: We’re done taking our lumps. “It may be time to take some lumps,” Cowen says in his blithe dismissal […]

Tell Washington To ‘Pull The Pork’ From Defense Spending Hogs

While progressive organizations, Democrats in Congress and the Obama administration correctly focus on the damage the federal spending cuts to be forced by the March 1 sequester will do to the overall economy and to vital government services, USAction is using Wednesday to underscore that there is some federal spending that is overdue to be […]

Huge 2009 Budget Deficit – Just One More Conservative Failure

Conservatives claim that President Obama “tripled the deficit” and point to the huge 2009 budget deficit as proof. They use charts that show the fiscal-year 2009 deficit, as reported in October was, indeed, about triple the prior year’s borrowing. But the 2009 budget was the last budget year of the prior, conservative administration. It is […]