Myths Of Protectionism Are Spread To Exploit Workers and the Environment

“Protectionism” is a very powerful word. In fact, simply evoking the word is capable of ending debate on any subject related to trade. Invoking the magic words, “You can’t do that, it would be protectionist,” settles all arguments. Why, exactly, is protectionism so bad? Why can’t we have fair trade that lifts workers and protects […]

Obama Plans to Reform Economy, Not Just Health Insurance

Let’s go back, just for a minute, to a time before screaming teabaggers, before Republicans decided to kill health insurance reform as a means to politically destroy this country’s first African-American president. Try and remember what it was like before discussion of health insurance reform raised voices, a time when instead it raised concern. Recollect […]

Finally, a President with the Guts to Enforce Trade Laws

Barack Obama proved Friday he’s got grit. He enforced trade laws. These are special trade safeguard rules called “Section 421” that the Chinese had agreed to obey to gain entrance to the World Trade Organization (WTO). They are, however, laws that had gone unenforced by the U.S. in the past. President Obama used these safeguard […]

The Most Promising Push Yet for a ‘Maximum Wage’

Across the pond, in the UK, the idea of capping income is suddenly starting to make a respectable splash. The Great Depression gave us the minimum wage. Might we now see a “maximum wage,” thanks to the Great Recession? That prospect now seems to have entered into the realm of political possibility. Last week, in […]

Free-Market Conservatives Are Just Wrong

There are things you can see in front of your face, and then there are things that conservative “free market” ideologues tell you. One example is when they talk about the minimum wage. (An increase in the national minimum wage goes into effect today.) Conservative “free market” ideologues tell you that raising the minimum wage […]