Weekend Watchdog

Every Friday in our Weekend Watchdog feature, we post suggested questions for scheduled Sunday guests. You can add your own questions in the comment thread. We’ll also include contact information for the shows, so we can let them know what their viewers want asked.

Then on Monday, we’ll circle back and see if our questions were asked, and if they were answered. Let’s take back our media!

Three members of the Senate Judiciary Committee will be on the main Sunday shows: Sen. Pat Leahy, D-Vt. (CBS’ Face The Nation), Sen. Arlen Specter, R-Penn. and Sen. Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y. (Fox News Sunday).

Here’s a few suggested queries:

1. Neither Attorney General Alberto Gonzales, nor his right-hand man Kyle Sampson, could tell your committee how prosecutors ended up on the purge list. What does that say about the reasons for the forced resignations?

2. Because this key question remains unanswered, will you now subpoena White House officials to testify under oath?

3. If Gonzales resigns, would that “put this behind us” as Sen. Tom Coburn said? Or would we still need to find out if White House officials and other politicians put prosecutors on the purge list for partisan reasons?


Email CBS’ Face The Nation at ftn@cbsnews.com

Email Fox News Sunday at FNS@foxnews.com

Remember: always be brief, polite and respectful when contacting the media, so our voices will be taken seriously.


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