Weve Foreclosed On Ourselves

Faced with a foreclosure fiasco of astounding proportions — as chronicled by my fellow bloggers, Zach Carter and Richard Eskow —  in which banks practically kick down doors to foreclose on homes even when they can’t prove ownership of the mortgages, President Obama fretted that a foreclosure moratorium would help people who "don’t deserve it." He […]

Word To The Fiscal Commission Hands Off Social Security

A word of advice to the folks at the National Commission on Fiscal Responsibility and Reform: it may be time to "slow your roll" as, we used to say where I come from. Based on their own admissions, and Alan Simpson’s bedraggled look at the commission’s surprise press conference to announce their "chairman’s mark," it’s […]

Conservatives Kill Jobs & Come Back For More

If, in the future, Republicans ever again ask “Where are the jobs?” it will be because they’ve forgotten where they buried the ones they killed. For now, though, it’s clear they remember all too well. Like a serial killer returning to a favorite dump site to reminisce or further ravage a corpse, Republicans are returning […]

The GOPs Pyrrhic Victory Why It Wont Work Pt 1

First, let’s just face it. For the next couple of years, at least, this is the end of any progress on jobs or the economy. Democrats will probably have to spend most of their time defending what they’ve gotten done. Whatever legitimate gripes progressives had with the outgoing Democratic Congress, they got a lot done. […]

Does Flying a Plane Into a Building Make You a Hero or a Terrorist

Here’s a question I bet you thought didn’t need to be asked in a post-9/11 America: Does flying a plane into a building make you a terrorist or a hero? Joe Stack attacked the IRS by flying his plane into one of its buildings. Is he a hero? Some people think so. Stack’s adult daughter, […]