The Pay Czar’s Pay Cut Ruling: The Hype, the Hoax

The White House pay czar isn’t reforming Wall Street. He’s cutting deals with it. We need to understand the difference. Responsible people can do reckless things, most often when emotion clouds their better judgment — and no emotion probably clouds judgment any more regularly than greed. Wave enough dollars in our faces, and we’ll be […]

Banker Bonus Bingo: Every Card’s a Winner

Can excess on Wall Street ever be ended? Maybe. Some lawmakers in France have a plan that could end it. America’s biggest banks, amid the shakiest economic times since the 1930s, last week announced record profits — and deposited record billions into bonus pools for their top executives and traders. How did U.S. lawmakers and […]

The 2009 Forbes 400: The What-Me-Worry Gang

An average American family would have to work thousands of years to amass a billion-dollar fortune. America’s super rich, the new data on our richest 400 make clear, can lose a billion and barely notice. Tsunamis, we learned this past week, amount to equal-opportunity destroyers. Against a surging 20-foot wave, an opulent beachfront manse offers […]

GDP: Taking Aim at the Stat that Bamboozles

A conservative world leader and two world-famous economists who challenge conservative world leaders have joined up to call for a totally new global economic yardstick. And they want that yardstick to measure inequality. Sometime early this fall, new statistics are almost certainly going to show “positive” growth in gross domestic product, or GDP, for 2009’s […]

The Great Recession’s Phony New ‘Silver Lining’

Hard times, a rash of new media reports now assures us, are significantly narrowing the gap between the rich and everybody else. So why are so many super rich still smiling? Job worries have you down? Bills piling up? Nothing left in your retirement stash? You need a reason to feel a bit better about […]

The Executive Pay Bubble: A New Progressive Appraisal

Top execs in high finance, says the Institute for Policy Studies, have turned hard times — for the American people — into a springboard for still another round of huge pay windfalls. Is the CEO pay bubble now beyond popping? Researchers at the Institute for Policy Studies, a progressive think tank in Washington, D.C., have […]

The Most Promising Push Yet for a ‘Maximum Wage’

Across the pond, in the UK, the idea of capping income is suddenly starting to make a respectable splash. The Great Depression gave us the minimum wage. Might we now see a “maximum wage,” thanks to the Great Recession? That prospect now seems to have entered into the realm of political possibility. Last week, in […]

Sticky Fingers: The Super Rich Set a New Greed Grab Record

In 2007, the year before the Great Recession began, America’s awesomely affluent partied — as never before. The evidence? We look at the year’s freshly crunched income numbers. Emmanuel Saez, the Berkeley economist who many now consider the world’s top authority on the incomes of the super rich, has never been one for sweeping statements. […]