The Year’s Best Book on Our Great Divide

By every measure that matters, The Spirit Level helps us understand, relatively equal nations far outperform nations where income and wealth concentrate at the top. Many of us have read, over the past 12 months, a variety of books that address America’s vast economic gap between our rich and everyone else. Books that trace the […]

Wall Street’s ‘M&A Follies’: Why the Curtain Never Falls

AOL and Time Warner split, Comcast and NBC join. The merger merry-go-round continues to spin. Investment bankers and corporate execs get the brass ring. The rest of us get pink slips and higher prices. What may be the dumbest corporate merger of all time — the $165 billion deal that saw AOL gobble up Time […]

Wall Street’s Favorite Meltdown Myth Bites the Dust

But Wall Street’s mainstream critics still can’t bring themselves to challenge the top executive ‘right’ to reap enormous riches. Great minds have been searching, ever since last fall’s financial sector meltdown, for an antidote to the wildly excessive Wall Street paydays that made that meltdown inevitable. That search, after over a year, still hasn’t generated […]

What Ever Happened to the Good Times the Tax-Cutters Promised?

Don’t expect an answer from the ranters and ravers who frequent ‘Tea Parties’ — or the politicians who egg them on. You don’t have to dig particularly deep, in the United States today, to find some striking similarities between today’s virulently anti-Obama “Tea Party” crowd and the media darlings who birthed the “Tax Revolt” phenomenon […]

Against Wall Street, Prosecutors Are Striking Out

Unfortunately, lawmakers aren’t doing too well either — and the big bank bonus grab has once again shifted into overdrive. The bankers at Goldman Sachs, Goldman’s CEO pronounced last week, are doing “God’s work.” God, these days, must truly be working in strange ways. Take what happened a few short years ago, right before the […]

A Rich University’s Mad Dash to Get Richer

Investing recklessness at Harvard is making ‘the best and the brightest’ look awfully silly — almost as silly as a nation that lets staggering quantities of wealth continue to concentrate. Wild chases after vast riches, last fall’s global meltdown reminded the world, can destroy economies — and corrupt entire societies. Great universities, in theory at […]