Bad News for Billionaires — and a Chihuahua or Two

Progressives in the U.S. Senate have introduced a potent package of estate tax reforms that would, if enacted, start seriously trimming America’s most super-sized hoards of private wealth. Back a hundred summers ago in 1910, former President Theodore Roosevelt — a Republican — called for “a graduated inheritance tax on big fortunes,” a new tax […]

A Painless Fix for America’s Budget Squeeze

An emergency 1 percent ‘wealth tax’ on the nation’s richest 1 percent could raise enough revenue to keep all our teachers on the job and libraries open. But our dysfunctional political system can’t even raise that possibility. Last year may have been the worst year, economically, that most Americans alive today have ever experienced. By […]

A New Front in the Income Inequality Wars?

Britain’s new Conservative Party prime minister has an idea for ending pay excess in the public sector. Should overpaid execs in the private sector — in the United States — now be starting to shudder? Conservatives politicians have always enjoyed bashing public employees and their paychecks. So no one should be particularly surprised that David […]

A Historic Breakthrough for U.S. Billionaires

In 2010 America, schools, students, and teachers share the budget-cutting pain. The heirs to our mega rich, meanwhile, don’t have to share anything. For the first time in nearly a century, we have no federal estate tax. A moment of silence, please, for Dan Duncan. The 77-year-old Duncan, a Houston resident, passed away the end […]

The Insecurity State: Inequality’s Hidden Price Tag

What happens to societies that don’t share the wealth? They spend — and waste — a fortune guarding it. The latest over-the-top example: Oracle has spent $4.6 million on “residential security” for billionaire CEO Larry Ellison. The Great Recession seems to have America’s CEOs spooked. Corporate spending  on executive security, already high before hard times […]

Wall Street’s Meltdown and Wealth’s Maldistribution

The Great Recession, new research shows, has left wealth in the United States even more concentrated at America’s economic summit. Average American households have been riding an economic roller coaster over the last quarter century. The stock market has boomed and collapsed. Housing has boomed and collapsed. The entire economy has boomed and collapsed. Where […]

Washington and Wall Street: A ‘Democracy’ in Denial

Some Americans get all bent out of shape when they hear someone label the United States a ‘plutocracy.’ But if we have an honest-to-goodness democracy, where the people really rule, then how can we explain Goldman Sachs? The outsized political role of Goldman Sachs, America’s most powerful bank, has been attracting widespread attention — and […]