Backdoor Bailout Tea Party Fakeout The GOPs Secret 90 Billion Gift to Wall Street

GOP candidates are making a point of running against “bailouts” this year. Yet even as they rail about rescuing big banks, they’re working on a plan that would slip those same banks an estimated $90 billion in taxpayer money … and that’s just in the first ten years. “Fiscal conservatism,” anyone? It was always hypocritical […]

Pictures of MERS Part 1 Corporate Documents Illustrate the Mortgage Shell Game

At the center of the foreclosure fraud crisis lies something called “MERS,” which is usually described in news reports as a computer system and database. But a thorough review of the company’s publicly available documents show it’s much more than that. We reviewed hundreds of pages of bulletins, newsletters, and manuals, along with PowerPoint presentations, […]

Foreclosures and Guilt The Home Loan Moral Hazard Scorecard

Jamie Dimon and the other mega-bankers who derailed the economy have a new PR campaign to sell you. They’re saying that families who can’t pay their mortgages must bear the blame – all the blame – for the foreclosure crisis. That means the public should just ignore banks’ widespread lawbreaking in the registering and transfer […]

Cold Case File Who Shot Down a 70-Year-Old Attack on Social Security

Heard the one about the Social Security Trust Fund that holds nothing but “IOUs”? That phony claim goes back to at least 1939, when a rabidly anti-Roosevelt journalist named John T. Flynn used a colorful analogy about a tin box in a drawer in order to argue that Social Security was a “monstrosity.” But where […]

Radio Converation About Foreclosures and Automated Greed Factories Charles Jaco Fox News Radio in St Louis

Appeared on the Jaco Report on Fox News in St. Louis. We had a good talk about foreclosure fraud, the “automated greed factories,” and the dead soul of modern banking: Richard Eskow Jaco St Louis Fox 10-13-10

The First Domino Foreclosure Fraud and the Invisible Bailout

The foreclosure fraud scandal is a big deal (or a big “effin’” deal, as Joe Biden might say). But its real significance is an even bigger deal. Foreclosure fraud is one domino, and if it falls others will follow. The result could be an end to the “invisible bailout” – the one you never hear […]

Automated Greed Factories How Soulless Banking Is Crushing the Economy

Two seemingly unrelated stories from the past week illustrate a fundamental problem with today’s financial system. While this problem may seem “philosophical” or abstract, it’s very real, and we won’t put our economy back on a sound footing until we get a handle on it. The problem is this: Banking institutions no longer want to […]

The French Connection That Jailed Banker Raises US Issues

Remember 2003, when so many Americans hated France for refusing to participate in the Iraq invasion? The airwaves were filled with insults about “effete” and “cowardly” Frenchmen, the phrase “cheese eating surrender monkeys” was on lips across the nation, and rich patriots were boycotting Rhône wine in the spirit of national sacrifice. Well, munch on […]

Payday Lenders How Wall Streets Undercover Brothers Exploit Minorities

All the major banking institutions say the right things about race and equality. They all have diversity programs. A few financial industry leaders, like Robert Rubin and Jamie Dimon, even support socially liberal causes. Yet the banking industry covertly uses payday lenders as a “front,” a way to prey on minority neighborhoods without getting their […]