China’s Currency Manipulation Flipping Off America

China is disrespecting America. The Asian giant is an international trade outlaw, and U.S. manufacturers and workers are its crime victims. China illegally subsidizes its export industries and unlawfully manipulates its currency. That kills U.S. industry and destroys U.S. jobs. Earlier this year, the Obama administration asked China nicely to allow its currency value to […]

Assert Yourself America; Don’t be an Illegal Trade Victim

Long-suffering victim is hardly the American image. Paul Revere, Mother Jones, John Glenn, Martin Luther King Jr. — those are American icons. Bold, wry, justice-seeking. So how is it that America finds herself in the position of schoolyard patsy, woe-is-me casualty of China’s illegal trade practices that are destroying U.S. renewable energy manufacturing and foreclosing […]

On Labor Day Work to Save the Middle Class

This Labor Day feels gloomy. It’s a celebration of work when there is not enough of it, a day off when too many desperately seek a day on. America has commemorated two Labor Days since this brutal recession began near the end of George Bush’s presidency in December of 2007. Now the relentless high unemployment, […]

America’s Choice Leave a Legacy of Hell or Bequeath Clean Air

At the turn of the 20th Century, smoke meant jobs. When noxious fumes spewed from factory stacks, workers brought home paychecks. Industries hired. The future was bright as molten iron flowing from a blast furnace. In industrial Pittsburgh’s heyday, the smoke was so dense streetlights remained lit at noon. White collar workers changed soot-covered shirts […]

Jobless Organize to Remove Republican Royalists From Their Jobs

Glenn Beck made it official on Fox News last week: He’s seeking the office of 21st Century Marie Antoinette. The queen of France, beheaded during the revolution, attained infamy for insensitivity toward hungry peasants. Glenn Beck, the Fox talk show host, achieved celebrity for his callousness toward unemployed Americans. Beck leads a pack of royalist […]

What’s Green, White and Blue? American Jobs

Red, as in furiously red, defined the day last fall when a consortium of companies announced it wanted $450 million in U.S. stimulus money to build a wind farm in Texas, creating 2,000 jobs in China and 300 in America. Now, nine months later, things have cooled down and turned around. In a deal with […]

For the Strength of Rosie the Riveter: Make It in America

Rosie the Riveter defiantly rolls up her blue work shirt to show off a brawny bicep. She’s a symbol of American strength. She worked in a manufacturing job, one of millions that constructed the defense machine that won World War II for the Allies. She said, “We can do it.” And America did. Now, however, […]

Republicans Kiss the Rich; Diss the Jobless

A brutal competition pits worker against worker continually now in this country. Five unemployed people vie with each other for each available job. It’s like a cruel game of musical chairs, with five desperate competitors for one seat. Workers who’ve lost cars to repossession and homes to foreclosure run around frantically trying to get that […]