Political Corruption GOP Embraces the Ken Lay Way

The GOP has adopted the Ken Lay principles – that is obfuscation, false statements and feigned innocence. Republicans are obfuscating about the real reason for their opposition to extending unemployment benefits, the way Enron CEO Ken Lay concealed the truth about billions in losses his corporation racked up. Lay assured Enron workers the corporation was […]

Corporate Rewards Controlling US Trade Policy

Real men, real human beings, with feelings and families, fought and died at Gettysburg to preserve the Union, to ensure, as their president, Abraham Lincoln, would say later, that “government of the people, by the people, for the people, shall not perish from the earth.” Perversely, afterwards, non-humans commandeered the constitutional amendment intended to protect […]

Mourning in America Death of the Middle Class

The deficit commission report issued last week is another Saturday night special pressed to the temple of the American middle class. “Turn over your money and your benefits or your country will die,” the report screams at workers. “You want your country to go bankrupt? No? Then you gotta delay retirement, get less from Social […]

The Voters Message Manufacturing a Solution

No doubt voters sent a message last Tuesday. Deciphering it correctly is crucial. Republican cryptographers interpreted the election results that gave the GOP control of one house of Congress as a directive to demolish everything produced over the past two years – health care reform, Wall Street re-regulation and economic stimulus. In fact, like the […]

Vote for Hope

The electorate is bitter and angry. It’s no wonder. Foreclosures rise while Wall Street bankers, whose recklessness caused this grave recession, grab million dollar bonuses. Unemployment is stuck at 9.5 percent, but corporations continue to ship jobs overseas. The level of acrimony showed itself Monday in Lexington, Ky., when a group of men supporting Republican […]

To Counter Currency Manipulation Rally Some Allies

Japan, no economic small fry, challenged China last month. The conclusion of the dispute is a cautionary tale for countries confronting China about currency manipulation. In September, Japan seized a Chinese trawler captain after his boat collided with two Japanese Coast Guard ships near some East China Sea islands claimed by both countries. Immediately afterward, […]

No Fluke Republicans Support Off-Shoring Jobs

Like the clear results on a pH test strip, the vote in the U.S. Senate this week on the Creating American Jobs and Ending Off-Shoring Act showed Republicans’ true color: Red. Red for China. Or Mexico. Or Indonesia. Or anywhere multi-national corporations get tax breaks for exporting American jobs. In this test of loyalty, every […]

Republican Pledge A Rotten Egg for the Middle Class

When Herbert Hoover ran for president in 1928, the Republican party promised his victory would assure the prosperity of “a chicken in every pot.” This week, Republicans proffered a similar pledge to America. Hoover won, and in 1929, after a decade of GOP rule in Washington, Republicans did deliver something foul to Americans. It wasn’t […]