Making Sense Making It In America

Editor’s Note: We’re publishing a series of “Making Sense” fact sheets on key economic issues to help you win the debate on the core issues facing middle-class families. Each fact sheet contains information, talking points and resources you can use to make the case for progressive policies. Earlier: Curbing Wall Street, Social Security and Clean […]

Conservative Policy = Bad Jobs Report

The September jobs report is out and conservatives got exactly what they wanted: less government, less stimulus, less aid to states, less help for small businesses, less infrastructure investment, less help for the unemployed and … a bad jobs report. Conservatives successfully watered down the first stimulus, defeated further stimulus, fought aid to state governments, […]

Infrastructure Jobs Repeat And Amplify

Just a short note here, to repeat and amplify what Krugman said: And right now, by any rational calculation, would be an especially good time to improve the nation’s infrastructure. We have the need: our roads, our rail lines, our water and sewer systems are antiquated and increasingly inadequate. We have the resources: a million-and-a-half […]

Incredibly Obvious Things In Front Of Our Faces

Conservative economic policies just don’t work and it’s incredibly obvious right in front of our faces. Knowing that obvious things are right in front of our faces and knowing that conservatives really, really don’t want us to see those things, it’s instructive (and sometimes entertaining except for the tragic consequences) to watch how conservatives try […]

NYTimes Friedman Need 3rd Party To Send Even More Money To Top

Thomas Friedman, in a Sunday’s NYTimes op-ed, Third Party Rising, looks at our country’s political gridlock, gets is partially correct, then reaches the wrong conclusions. Friedman notes that DC is broken, can’t get a crucially-needed energy bill and other important tasks done, without noting that billionaire/corporate-funded obstruction is the problem. He plays the “centrist” tactic […]