Tea Party Members VS Tea Party Wall Street Funders

The Tea Party hates the Federal Reserve. You hear it over and over: Tea Partiers support audit of Federal Reserve. Tea Party could challenge Federal Reserve. From Tea Party Advocates, Anger at the Federal Reserve. Audit the Federal Reserve – Toledo TEA Party. Tea Party Patriots | The Secret of Oz – Federal Reserve. NH […]

About Voting

Polls show that a significant number of people who might be on “our side” are not going to bother to vote. Some are even switching sides. The big corporations and right-wing billionaires are spending millions upon millions of dollars bombarding them with propaganda on “news” shows, TV ads, setting up phony astroturf organizations and running […]

Winning The Race To The Bottom

Conservative policies have propelled us into a global race to the bottom. Conservatives can take pride: we’re winning! “Free trade” — moving factories across borders to evade the protections of democracy that generations of Americans fought for — pits exploited workers with few rights and no means of improving their condition against Americans who once […]

What Will Tea Party Members Do When Their Politicians Betray Them

Tea Party members hate Wall Street bailouts, trade deals like NAFTA, job outsourcing, giant corporations buying laws, government spending, and elites telling the rest of us what to do. But there is no question that their candidates – many of them wealthy corporatists themselves – are funded by big corporations (even foreign oil companies) and […]

Vote For Jobs

Visit the “I’m Voting For…” campaign Should you vote? Does your vote matter? If you care about jobs, your vote really, really matters this time. If the Tea Party wave does manage to take over the House and/or Senate the plans they have announced will mean a jobs crisis far beyond anything we are seeing […]

Eight False Things The Public “Knows” Prior To Election Day

(Note: The words that appear in red are links that you can click.) There are a number things the public “knows” as we head into the election that are just false. If people elect leaders based on false information, the things those leaders do in office will not be what the public expects or needs. […]

Canton Ohio Town Hall We Can Make It Build It Grow It Here

The Canton, Ohio “Keep It Made In America” Town Hall meeting was at the Kent State University Stark Campus this evening. Lieutenant Governor and Senate candidate Lee Fisher spoke. His opponent, Rob Portman, (U. S. Trade Representative under George W. Bush) was also invited to speak to this meeting discussing how to recover the 2.4 […]

Erie Pa Town Hall No Country Ever Went Broke Investing In Its Own People

Last night’s “Keep It Made In America” Town Hall meeting was at the Bayfront Convention Center in Erie, Pennsylvania. Kyle Foust, Chairman of the Erie County Council welcomed the attendees and led off the Town Hall meeting, quoting Hubert Humphrey: “No country ever went broke by investing in its own people.” I recently spoke with […]