Its (Still) The Economic Paradigm Stupid

Yesterday I wrote that the President may have sacrificed his long-term vision on trade and economic/industrial policy to day-to-day concerns and politics. The tax-cut deal is another indicator that a big-picture vision has been sacrificed. But however much smoke gets thrown up to mask the real problem it’s still all about the economic paradigm. There […]

Tea Party Test Korea Free Trade Agreement

The “Tea Party” will face many tests when the new Congress convenes next year. Everyone is asking, how long will it take before the Tea Party officeholders are co-opted by the big money insiders? “Free Trade” is one of those tests. Tea Party members absolutely despise “free trade” agreements that have forced companies to close […]

Tax Cuts Now Force Terrible Budget Cuts Later

Deal or No Deal?’s Bill Scher and Dave Johnson make their cases for and against the preliminary tax cut deal between the President and Republican leaders. Dave Johnson’s case against the deal is below. Click here for Bill Scher’s case for the deal. The White House has announced a deal on extending tax cuts […]

Are Tea Party Members Getting Played

Are the Main Street Tea Party members getting “played” by Wall Street and big-corporate billionaires? There is a big, big, big difference between what the regular members and the big-money funders expect. If Tea Party candidates get elected will they do what their supporters want, or what their Wall Street and big-corporation funders demand? What […]

Korea Free Trade Agreement Another NAFTA

There are reports that the Korea Free Trade Agreement is nearly concluded. Unfortunately the problems with the labor portions of the Bush-negotiated agreement were not addressed, which means we might have another NAFTA-style, job-killing, Wall Street-abetting, factory-moving, national-income-destroying, town-and-community-devastating trade deal on our hands. Public Citizen has been pushing for a better deal for American […]

No US-Korea Free Trade Agreement For Now

It appears that the US and Korea could not reach agreement in time for President Obama’s visit to Seoul for the G20 meeting beginning today. Washington Post, U.S., South Korea fail to reach free-trade deal,, Negotiations over a U.S.-Korea free-trade agreement faltered Thursday after four days of discussions, a setback for the leaders of the […]