Conservative Health Care Response Ignores Facts

The reviews of President Obama’s health care speech before a joint session of Congress have been fairly glowing. Most agree that the President made a strong case for health insurance reform and did a good job of explaining why the public option is important, even if he stopped short of refusing to sign a bill […]

Post-Speech: Conservatives, How Stupid Do You Feel Now?

I wrote last week about the absolutely shameful, shocking and appalling attacks from conservatives against President Obama in response to his plans to give students a back to school pep talk about the importance of education. I wrote at the time that the level of paranoia and vitriol was all the more amazing given the […]

Taking Pride In Being Ignorant

Well the reviews are already in on Obama’s big speech on “the importance of education”, and they aren’t pretty. The descriptions range from “brainwashing” and “indoctrination of your children” to accusations that Obama’s speech shows that he is actually Mao, Hitler, Mussolini, and of course, a terrorist. Right now you might be asking yourself, what […]

Insurance Industry Plays The Victim, Admits To Rationing Care For Profit

&#9835No one knows what it’s like       To be the bad man       To be the sad man       Behind blue eyes       No one knows what it’s like       To be hated       To be fated       To telling only lies The New York Times ran an article this morning that has been sparking some commentary in the blogosphere. In a […]

Michele Bachmann: Pro-Choice Warrior

While reading through the latest news this morning I happened upon a startling, yet much-welcomed story about GOP Rep. Michele Bachmann. It comes as just the latest sign that in the 21st Century we are moving toward an overwhelming pro-choice consensus in this country. I’m pleased to announce that on Tuesday, right-wing hardliner Michele Bachmann […]

Boehner To PhRMA: Please Be Greedier

Almost as telling as the fact that a whopping 62% of Republicans think the federal government should stay out of Medicare is the following vignette. First, let’s make sure everyone is up to speed on the so-called “PhRMA Deal”, which was essentially a detente agreement between the White House and the pharmaceutical industry. The gist […]

Majority of Republicans Say “Keep Gov. Out of Medicare!” (Really)

Wow. I just saw new national survey from Public Policy Polling (h/t TPM) that seriously has me floored (and by “floored” I mean on the floor laughing). It highlights, in a very stark manner, how unbelievably ignorant conservatives are when it comes to health care. Are you sitting down? Good. Here you go: 62% of […]