Delusion Thy Name Is Republican Voter

A favorite pastime of post-election analysts and pundits is to parse, re-parse, and re-re-parse exit polls and other data to draw out interesting demographic and historical notes. One such data point struck me in particular: Who’s to blame for the economy? Bankers (34%), Bush (29%), Obama (24%). Of those who blame bankers, Republicans hold an […]

The Importance of Progressive Primary Challenges

When Sen. Arlen Specter switched from the GOP to the Democratic Party early last year, citing the Republican Party’s extreme shift to the far-right in recent years, many progressives found themselves in mixed emotions. First, there was a sense of happiness, as the move perfectly illustrated (as the Scozzafava drama would again, almost exactly six […]

Conservatives Seem To Have A Reality Remembering Problem

I generally try to avoid watching political talk shows on TV because the lack of journalism is, much more often than not, infuriating. That wasn’t exactly the case the other night on Hardball, however. During a segment with Todd Harris, a Republican strategist, and Steve McMahon, a Democratic strategist, Chris Matthews actually balked at, and […]

Defunding The Real Criminal Enterprises

A few weeks ago I wrote about the brazen hypocrisy with which conservatives in Congress met the revelation that a handful of ACORN employees gave stupid advice to two conservative operatives attempting to provoke them into saying just such stupid things. While conservatives ravenously pounced on the opportunity to defund the network of community organizations […]

John Boehner Admits He Is Completely Out Of Touch

We have long known that conservatives in Congress are hopelessly out of touch with both reality and the American people. So while it represented nothing new, House Minority Leader John Boehner’s (R-OH) recent comments on health insurance reform made me do a double take: Boehner claimed, with a semi-straight face, that he has yet to […]

Right-Wing Plan To “Take Back America”: Obama Is Hitler!!

For six years the Campaign for America’s Future organized the annual Take Back America conference, the largest annual gathering of progressives in the country. At the conference progressives came together to discuss how to improve the country, through goals like health care reform, clean energy, investment in infrastructure, and not making America less secure by […]

Anti-ACORN Crusade Backfires In Irony (Updated!)

I have been restraining myself from writing a post about ACORN for some time now. It isn’t that I haven’t had plenty of thoughts about the faux scandal and the right-wing-media-led poo storm and subsequent political lynching that followed; I simply felt that there were so many other people writing about it who probably did […]

The 1st (And Hopefully Last) Annual 9/12 Teabagger Sign Awards!

So I went to check out Glenn Beck’s little 9/12 Project teabagger rally in front of the Capitol on Saturday and saw a great cross-section of what “real” Americans supposedly look like. First, a little background for those of you who aren’t familiar with the premise of the 9/12 Project: The 9/12 Project was created […]